HL-CosmicBreath Login

Why HitsLink?

Conversion Rate

This report shows a history of your site's conversion rate.  The definition of 'conversion rate' is the percentage of transactions per click-through.

This report is useful in evaluating campaign and pay-per-click effectiveness.

Terms Used on Report:

Total Clicks

The act of a user clicking on a hyperlink that directs the user to another site.  Clicks are recorded when a visitor clicks on a link from a referrer once per day per referrer.

Clicks can occur from a variety of sources, including:
  • Links on search engines
  • Links on other sites
  • Links within emails

  • Total Transactions

    A completed transaction by a user.  Transactions are recorded when a special tracking script is executed on your confirmation page(s).  This tracking script can be found on the Account / Get Tracking Script menu item.

    Conversion Rate

    The percentage of transactions generated per click-through.