HL-CosmicBreath Login

Why HitsLink?

Navigation Paths

This report starts with a list of all the pages that have been accessed on your account.  By clicking on the 'View Analysis' link next to each page, you will see an analysis of pages visitors come from and go to when on that page.  This report shows the likelyhood of each option and how long the visitor takes, on average, to perform the option.

Visitors can:

End Session or Timeout - This means they do not navigate off the page.  They either shut down the browser or sit idle for over 30 minutes.

Reload the Page - This means they hit the 'Reload' or 'Refresh' button on the browser.

Navigate to Another Page - The user clicked on a link that directed them to another page on your site.

Exit Link - The user clicked on a link that directed them to another page that is NOT on your site.

Download - The user clicked on a link that downloaded a file.

The detailed list has a link on each page.  Click on this link to see navigation path detail for that page.