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Campaign Activity Summary

This report lists the click throughs, transaction counts, and revenue for all campaigns that have had activity during the reporting timeframe.

This report also lists activity that did not come from a campaign under 'Non-Campaign', for comparison purposes.

There are three types of campaigns this report can display results on:
  •  Latest - This is the default for all campaign reports.  It displays report data based on the latest campaign visitors were referred by.
  •  First - This displays report data based on visitor's first campaign that they were referred by, no matter how many subsequent campaigns referred the visitor.
  •  Current Visit - This displays report data based on the campaign for the visitor's current visit.

    For example, if a visitor was originally referred by campaign X, then was subsequently referred by a separate campaign called Y, then came to the site via a bookmark:
    The 'Latest' campaign would be Y
    The 'First' campaign would be X
    The 'Current Visit' campaign would be 'Non-Campaign'

    Each campaign listed has a drop-down context menu.  This allows you to get detailed information for each campaign for the report's timeframe.  These menu options are:

  •  Transactions - View a list of transactions that have occurred for the campaign.
  •  Click History - View a historical chart of how many click-throughs this campaign has recorded.
  •  Transaction History - View a historical chart of how many transactions this campaign has recorded.
  •  Search Engines - View which search engines have generated click, transactions and revenue for the campaign.
  •  Search Terms - View which search terms have generated click, transactions and revenue for the campaign.
  •  Search Terms by Search Engine - View which search terms and search engines have generated click, transactions and revenue for the campaign.
  •  Referrers - View which referrers have generated click, transactions and revenue for the campaign.

    Terms Used on Report:


    A marketing term referring to a distinct marketing activity, such as direct mail, banner ads, pay-per-click ads, etc.

    Please note that the system will track eCommerce activity based on the campaign name assigned on the 'source' parameter on the URL of your links to your site.  For example:


    In this case, the campaign tracked would be 'ButtonAd7'.

    Also note that activity without a campaign assigned will be tracked under a special campaign name called 'Non-Campaign'.

    The campaign source name can be changed from the Account / Setup / eCommerce / Options menu item.


    Also referred to as a 'Unique Visitor'.  By default, this value represents a visitor that comes to your site for the first time in a day.  All subsequest visits during the day by the visitor are not considered unique.

    The definition of a visitor can be customized.  You can set a custom period of inactivity that will cause the next access of the visitor to be considered a new visit.  The visit definition screen can be found on the 'Setup' menu.

    This differs from a page view or hit in that a single visitor can have one visit per day but many page views during a visit.