HL-CosmicBreath Login

Why HitsLink?

Activity by Referrer

This report shows a transaction summary by referrer.  If a user was referred to your site more than once, all the referrals will be displayed here.  However, the transaction will show up with the first referrer the visitor had.  The total number of transactions and revenue are displayed for the timeframe selected.

Terms Used on Report:


The act of a user clicking on a hyperlink that directs the user to another site.  Clicks are recorded when a visitor clicks on a link from a referrer once per day per referrer.

Clicks can occur from a variety of sources, including:
  • Links on search engines
  • Links on other sites
  • Links within emails

  • Transactions

    A completed transaction by a user.  Transactions are recorded when a special tracking script is executed on your confirmation page(s).  This tracking script can be found on the Account / Get Tracking Script menu item.

    Conversion Rate

    The percentage of transactions generated per click-through.